Welcome! If you are currently enjoying your stay here on planet Earth, I advise you to move on. However, if you are disgusted with the current situation and desire nothing more than the destruction of this miserable hell hole, or you think that Ezekial Rage is a really groovy dude, or you have a thing for skeletons, this is the right place.
The Cult of Rage is compromised of two sects: The Order Of Righteous Sisters of Doom and The Brotherhood of Destruction. Every disciple of Rage follows The Book Of Rage, a powerful text full of wisdom and insight. So sayeth the Book of Rage.
Thus far, membership in this illustrious and powerful cult includes:
The Order of Righteous Sisters of Doom
ML Name |
Chosen Name |
Mother Nuclear Chicken Launcher I |
Sister Knife |
Sister Brick |
Sister Demona |
Sister Psycho |
Sister Wiffle-Bat-Basher |
Sister Da Tigger |
Sister Yaoi |
Sister Pestillance |
Sister HR |
Sister ? |
Sister Anarchy |
Sister Sandwich |
Sister of Darkness and Air |
Sister Plague |
Sister Wacko |
Sister Bitch Slap |
Sister Deepu |
Sister of Evil |
Sister Duh |
The Brotherhood of Destruction
Brother Darkmoon |
Brother Pain |
Brother Herring |
Brother Hellbringer |
Brother J&J |
Brother Baddass |
Brother Sheeplove |
Now, for your own personal pleasure, we present Rage's Chorus Line and backup band.
Click on the pic to visit an awesome JQ site. LesliWeird's JQ Paradise. She drew the pic of The Master Chillin' in the sun. Pretty cool, ne?
An original poem by Heather, the Goddess of Evil.
The Rage of Rage
When he lost his family he lost his world.
It went with the death of a woman and one small girl.
His own world is gone now he believes the rest of the
world should experience death.
Just like his wife and daughter, the rest of the world
should take their last breath.
disciples of Rage have made a pilgrimage to this hallowed page.