Well, I guess that if I were ghetto I would call this page
This page is here to thank all of the many people that I really should be thanking every day for all of the stuff they do for/to me, but don't quite get around to it. If I forget anyone, well, just know that I am, in the words of the Great Katie©, the "Queen of Blunt Rocks."
Thanks go to:
- Katie, for being my late-night internet buddy and telling me when I spell things wrong. And for always guessing who I am when I'm in the dom. And for being the inspiration for this page, actually.
- Mandy, for being my Brooklyn Sunshine™, and for letting me be both her Sunshine and her Evil Dirt. And just for being really cool and one of the best huggers ever.
- Ryan Beck, for being able to stand being around way too many teenage chicks (excepting Katie, who is a teenage werewolf, like Michael J. Fox), and for having shirts that have the highest table-sugar-absorption-rate on the planet.
- Peggy, for the million-and-one ways that she keeps me on this side of the deep end every day, and for putting up with my perpetual bitterness. And many other things too numerous to list.
- Mary, for letting me be useful.
- Chelsea, for being the Doorstop® and for going to every TMBG concert that occurs in Cincinnati with me.
- Susan, for having the most awesome mix tapes in her car and also for attending all TMBG concerts.
- April, for listening to my endless rants and always offering great advice, and for making me laugh my ass off.
- Laura, for being there and here and everywhere and for constantly seeking to fulfill her weirdness potential.
- Emily, for loving Batman more than me.
- Critter, for amusing me, missing Heidi, and going to TMBG despite knowing none of their songs.
- Erin, for being my fearless leader and conductor, loving Mrs. Markey, and just being a cooler person than me.
- Jessica, for making me talk to her.
- Colleen S., for putting up with me.
- Val, for understanding the intricacies of oddness.
- Hilly, for trying almost as hard to be odd as her big sister.
- Leslie S., for standing behind me in orchestra.
- Leslie G., for being an awesome Latin person, a great internet person, a long phone person, and wonderful co-stressee.
- Lindsey, for telling me things and letting me help her with her soap opera, and for being the most awesome scrapbook person since Jupiter himself.
- Heidi, for just being a kickass person who understands people and things in general a lot better than the rest of the world.
- Carolyn, for just rocking. You are the coolest M&M that I'll ever meet, and definitely the most amusing.
- ellen, for being the best prayer service designer and a really supportive and amusing person.
- Jen, for helping me to fulfill my ghetto potentional and for corrupting me into not totally and completely hating BSB.
- Mrs. Markey, for making me love art history. I can only hope to have half her passion in my field.
- Josh, for helping me out, making me feel better, and making me smile.
- Julie, for being the best carpool driver ever, and an inspiration.
- Milene, for being quietly optimistic and an oasis of sanity in the asylum that is Ursula.
- Natalie, for being amusingly bitter and refreshingly odd in a unique way.
- Nicki, for just being you. The situation is always better when Nicki's involved.
- Colleen H., for enjoying the insanity and being easily amused.
- Mrs. Weiner. I really can't quite say why, but I am thankful to have had you as a teacher.
- Kristin E., for laughing at me when I make fun of her, and for liking cows. You are awesome.
- Marina, for keeping me on my toes and not agreeing, and for being supportive in all the little ways.
- Jill, for being my most awesome senior role model.
- Lauren, for being a great actress, and secretly, a really amazing, deep person.
- Tess, for being a kicker of elves and hilariously funny as well as fascinatingly insightful.
- Darkie, for listening to cool British music and html aid.
- Abby, for being my friend least like me and one of the most unintentionally amusing.
- Jess, for enjoying my bluntness and being Band™.
- Mav, for listening and criticizing and knowing and being. You are an amazing person, Bryan. I pray and hope that life gives you the best.
- Ngozi, for just plain being awesome.
- Erica, for being the Great Curly One and for remembering my name.
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