"Another World, another Time...in the Age of Wonder.
A thousand years ago this land was green and good, until the Crystal cracked. A single piece was lost...a shard of the Crystal. Then strife began, and two new races appeared: the cruel Skeksis, the gentle Mystics. Here in the castle of the Crystal, the Skeksis took control. Now the Skeksis gather in the sacred chamber, where the Crystal hangs above a shaft of air and fire. The Skeksis with their hard and twisted bodies, their harsh and twisted wills. For a thousand years, they have ruled. Yet now, there are only ten. A dying race, ruled by a dying emperor, imprisoned within themselves, in a dying land. Today, once more, they gather at that Crystal as the first sun climbs to its peak. For this is the way of the Skeksis. As they ravage the land, so too they learn to draw new life from the sun. Today once more they will replenish themselves, cheat death again, through the power of their source, their treasure, their fate: